Origin Story

I started The Believe Project back in 2010. Initially conceived as a therapeutic exercise to confront the social anxiety of being a stranger in a strange land, it became a way for me to explore a question that has plagued me since childhood: What did I believe?
It’s a big question not everyone cares to think about, let alone answer. So I’m very grateful to those who have. Not just for making the prospect of talking to a stranger, or being turned down a little less nerve-wracking, but for being the conduits for my continuing education.
Each and every person you’ll find in this blog has been a teacher. Many have inspired me to think about the world in a different way. Collectively they have challenged my assumptions about the power of belief, if not the nature of reality itself.
Perhaps in another decade I’ll be ready to commit to a belief. Until then, I’ll keep asking the question.

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